pleasant feelings < back 1. comfortable, pleasant, satisfied 2. strong, powerful, vital, alive 3. balanced, centered, harmonious 4. calm, relaxed, serene, relaxed, peaceful 5. calmed, relieved, soothed, satisfied 6. invigorated, excited, electrified, full of energy, sparkling, tingling, passionate, full of zest for life, full of energy, enthusiastic, overflowing, exuberant, full of verve 7. fulfilled, moved, enchanted, intoxicated, carried, overwhelmed, enthusiastic, enraptured 8. cheerful, happy, cheerful, in a good mood, amused 9. delighted, delighted, delighted, 10. inspired, interested, alert, attentive, lively, stimulated 11. moved, affected, touched, impressed 12. close, in love, gentle, full of tenderness, full of affection, loving, passionate 13. alert, attentive 14. open, free 15. safe 16. courageous, brave, upright, encouraged 17. proud 18. grateful 19. clear, concentrated 20. optimistic, unconcerned, trusting, hopeful 21. curious, expectant, fascinated, spellbound, excited, absorbed in something 22. astonished, surprised, amazed, puzzled, perplexed, 23. helpful 24. compassionate, sympathetic, open-hearted 25. cheerful, humorous, mischievous, funny 26. sensitive, tender, fragile < back
pleasant feelings < back 1. comfortable, pleasant, satisfied 2. strong, powerful, vital, alive 3. balanced, centered, harmonious 4. calm, relaxed, serene, relaxed, peaceful 5. calmed, relieved, soothed, satisfied 6. invigorated, excited, electrified, full of energy, sparkling, tingling, passionate, full of zest for life, full of energy, enthusiastic, overflowing, exuberant, full of verve 7. fulfilled, moved, enchanted, intoxicated, carried, overwhelmed, enthusiastic, enraptured 8. cheerful, happy, cheerful, in a good mood, amused 9. delighted, delighted, delighted, 10. inspired, interested, alert, attentive, lively, stimulated 11. moved, affected, touched, impressed 12. close, in love, gentle, full of tenderness, full of affection, loving, passionate 13. alert, attentive 14. open, free 15. safe 16. courageous, brave, upright, encouraged 17. proud 18. grateful 19. clear, concentrated 20. optimistic, unconcerned, trusting, hopeful 21. curious, expectant, fascinated, spellbound, excited, absorbed in something 22. astonished, surprised, amazed, puzzled, perplexed, 23. helpful 24. compassionate, sympathetic, open-hearted 25. cheerful, humorous, mischievous, funny 26. sensitive, tender, fragile < back