About dealing with requirement words < back In classic NVC, the requests of the individuals, which have arisen from a mostly unpleasant situation, are combined to form a common strategy. In NVC-plus, the utopias of the individuals are combined in a suitable system to form common visions, which are then turned into strategies and then into tactical implementation. At the same time, the potentials of the individuals intertwine to form a potential field.1.Precise words give the language its efficiency. The word lists enable quick point diagnoses. These point diagnoses are not anchored ∙ in concrete situations/actions, but in abstract qualities/needs. because of the focus on the utopia/vision, NVC-plus users are less inclined to refer to past situations and thus perhaps indulge in thoughts of guilt and reproaches but can work constructively and creatively on the future in a very targeted way. This is familiar in classic NVC. It refers to a past situation, usually a crisis situation, but then derives timeless needs (abstract unfulfilled needs) from it, which it wants to see fulfilled as qualities in the future. In the end, the NVC request refers to this. With NVC-plus, you don't need past problems to build creative and constructive quality fields together. There is also no need for personal needs. based on the parameters, it is easy to recognize the requirements for qualities and potentials that are needed to achieve the goal.2.The word lists also prevent destructive speechlessness.3.Intelligent maintenance of interactive fields/systems: The listed parameters/qualities are interconnected. (See Schulz von Thun's square of values and growth). Qualities have balancing qualities, which must also be sufficiently present so that there is no one-sided exaggeration. In general, it can be said that the qualities are interrelated and we can therefore speak of quality fields. Such quality fields are needed for good cooperation. The targeted enhancement of individual qualities plays a relevant role in every improvement, so that the field as a whole becomes stronger and more effective with regard to the goal to be achieved. However, the field must also be tailored to the team members, as they use the field for their performance and design. Fields that are too strong would cause more problems than benefits. 4.This list can be used for decisions in larger groups, e.g. for a mixture of Conver-gent Facilitation and Systemic Consensus. In small groups of 5-6 people each, everyone considers what qualities the joint solution should have and then envisions a concrete solution proposal. The proposals are briefly presented in plenary, whereupon the small groups withdraw again to further develop or reject their proposed solution based on the proposals of others. The presentation is repeated. If you like, you can do a skeptics' tour in which the biggest skeptics go through the small groups and are heard with arguments. Once again, the proposals can be polished up or rejected. The proposals are then presented and discussed on the same day or on one of the following days after a little more time to mature.The NVC-plus requirements list enables the list to be used quickly, as it is often only necessary to decide on the current NVC-plus field.< back
About dealing with requirement words < back In classic NVC, the requests of the individuals, which have arisen from a mostly unpleasant situation, are combined to form a common strategy. In NVC-plus, the utopias of the individuals are combined in a suitable system to form common visions, which are then turned into strategies and then into tactical implementation. At the same time, the potentials of the individuals intertwine to form a potential field.1.Precise words give the language its efficiency. The word lists enable quick point diagnoses. These point diagnoses are not anchored ∙ in concrete situations/actions, but in abstract qualities/needs. because of the focus on the utopia/vision, NVC-plus users are less inclined to refer to past situations and thus perhaps indulge in thoughts of guilt and reproaches but can work constructively and creatively on the future in a very targeted way. This is familiar in classic NVC. It refers to a past situation, usually a crisis situation, but then derives timeless needs (abstract unfulfilled needs) from it, which it wants to see fulfilled as qualities in the future. In the end, the NVC request refers to this. With NVC-plus, you don't need past problems to build creative and constructive quality fields together. There is also no need for personal needs. based on the parameters, it is easy to recognize the requirements for qualities and potentials that are needed to achieve the goal.2.The word lists also prevent destructive speechlessness.3.Intelligent maintenance of interactive fields/systems: The listed parameters/qualities are interconnected. (See Schulz von Thun's square of values and growth). Qualities have balancing qualities, which must also be sufficiently present so that there is no one-sided exaggeration. In general, it can be said that the qualities are interrelated and we can therefore speak of quality fields. Such quality fields are needed for good cooperation. The targeted enhancement of individual qualities plays a relevant role in every improvement, so that the field as a whole becomes stronger and more effective with regard to the goal to be achieved. However, the field must also be tailored to the team members, as they use the field for their performance and design. Fields that are too strong would cause more problems than benefits. 4.This list can be used for decisions in larger groups, e.g. for a mixture of Conver-gent Facilitation and Systemic Consensus. In small groups of 5-6 people each, everyone considers what qualities the joint solution should have and then envisions a concrete solution proposal. The proposals are briefly presented in plenary, whereupon the small groups withdraw again to further develop or reject their proposed solution based on the proposals of others. The presentation is repeated. If you like, you can do a skeptics' tour in which the biggest skeptics go through the small groups and are heard with arguments. Once again, the proposals can be polished up or rejected. The proposals are then presented and discussed on the same day or on one of the following days after a little more time to mature.The NVC-plus requirements list enables the list to be used quickly, as it is often only necessary to decide on the current NVC-plus field.< back